Welcome to the website of the Grand Council of the Allied Masonic Degrees of the United States of America!
The Allied Masonic Degrees (commonly abbreviated AMD) is an invitational, appendent body of Freemasonry that superintends several degrees that are not found within other orders in the United States.
Our organization focuses on Masonic philosophy, scholarship, and research. To qualify for membership, an individual must be a Royal Arch Mason in good standing and be invited to join a constituted Council under the jurisdiction of the Grand Council.

The Sovereign Grand Master

Most Venerable Brother Douglas Roy Knauer
Most Venerable Sovereign Grand Master
2025 – 2026
Masonic Week 2026
Information on Masonic Week 2026 is forthcoming.
The Allied Times
The Official Newsletter of the Grand Council of the Allied Masonic Degrees of the United States of America
Calendar of Events
The Grand Council’s schedule of regional in-gatherings and constitutions of new constituent Councils.
Educational Presentations
Videos of previously recorded special events and other educational presentations.